Bowman Lake Association


The Association periodically adopts policies that supplement the Constitution and By-laws.  The following policies are currently in effect:


Membership definition.  The definition of membership and a variety of conforming changes were approved in the BLA Constitution and By-laws.  Members are defined as individual adults living or owning property on the roads surrounding the Big Bowman Pond.  For full text, see Constitution And By Laws. (Adopted Aug. 21, 2010).

Honorary Membership. Honorary Membership in BLA will be offered to the Pastor the Zion UCC Church. (Adopted Aug. 21, 2010).

Lifetime and Honorary Membership. Lifetime membership in the BLA will be offered to any member reaching the age of 80 years. Anyone reaching this age should notify the Treasurer so that no further contributions need to be collected from that person. Also, anyone can be awarded an “Honorary Lifetime Membership” for distinctive service rendered to the Association. (Adopted Aug. 19, 2006)

Lifetime membership. John Walsh was awarded a life-time membership in the BLA in appreciation of his many services to the lake. (Adopted Aug. 20, 2005)

Water Level and Management of the Dam

In effect as of October 31, 2023:

The Current Water Level/Dam Management Policy in place is:

  • The Water Committee monitors and manages the lake water levels.
  • The BLA by-laws authorize the committee to manage lake levels through the control of the dam board, as needed, to address storm water or drought throughout the year.
  • The Water Committee establishes optimum seasonal water levels for shoreline property impact, lake recreation, and aquatic plant control.
  • Each committee member, and the BLA President will keep one of the keys to the dam board, and move the board when a majority of the committee votes to move it.
  • The Water Committee is appointed by the BLA Board of Directors.  It consists of 5 active BLA Members, representing the shallow water, deep water, and mid lake areas of Bowman Lake.  Three members are permanent representing properties most directly impacted: Mark Nasuti, Bruce Mereness, and Justin Adamo.
  • Terms of non-permanent committee members is 5 years.

The Water Committee (Dam Board Committee) currently consists of:

Justin Adamo*
Bruce Mereness*
Mark Nasuti*
Anja Carr – chairperson, term expires 2024
Robbie Dawes – term expires 2026

* indicates permanent members.  

The current Bowman Lake Association President and additional dam keyholder is John Losee.

The current “Regular schedule” for dam operations (based on all the above) is as follows:  A dam board of 11 ½ inches to be put in place from the middle of May (after heavy rains and snow melt runoff) until October 15. The water level with the 11 ½ inch board is between 3-4 inches below the concrete surface of the Buckner/Choudhri docks.  Locking mechanisms will be put in place to prevent the board from being inserted or removed.  The BLA President and Dam Board Committee members will maintain keys to the dam. Urgent requests for removal of the dam board for water level or quality purposes must be made to the Dam/water level committee. A majority vote of the committee will determine the action to be taken. 

Note: there is still a 5-1/2” board, which is not currently being used.  It is at the dam, with the 11-1/2″ board.

Environmental Quality

NYS Federation. BLA will join the NYS Federation of Lake Associations. (Adopted Aug. 20, 2011)

Carp Permit. The President and Chair of the Environmental Quality Committee will apply for a triploid carp permit from the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.  The application process is to be used for educational purposes regarding control of aquatic vegetation. Any decision to implement the permit, if granted, will be made by vote of Association members. (Adopted Aug. 20, 2011)

Water Quality Account. That deposits to the Water Quality Account from total membership contributions are suspended for 2011 and 2012 due to insufficient funds. (Adopted Aug. 19, 2011).

Informing renters. Information packets for renters/guests will have basic information related to what renters/guests need to know to use the lake properly. (Adopted Aug. 16, 2008).

Water Quality Account. Yearly membership contributions to the BLA will be divided equally between the Regular Account and the Water Quality Account. (Adopted Aug. 19, 2006)

BLA-sponsored events

Diving contest. The Regatta diving contest is re-instated using a minimum of two spotters and with only participants and judges allowed on the dock during the contest. (adopted Aug. 15, 2009).

The Blake Cup is owned by the BLA and the winner each year is the “guardian” of the cup for one year. (Adopted Aug. 15, 2009).

Expenses for engraving of winners’ names on the Blake Cup will be paid for by the BLA. (Adopted Aug. 16, 2008).

Non-BLA-member winners of the Blake Cup will be offered a certificate of winning, the option of a picture holding the Blake Cup trophy, and the placement of their name(s) on the Blake Cup trophy list. If they become members of the BLA, then they could keep the actual trophy cup for the year. (Adopted Jun. 28, 2008).

Liability disclaimer. In lieu of the BLA buying liability insurance, it would take the following steps when sponsoring BLA events, 1) all flyers for BLA events will have a disclaimer regarding any risk of injury at an event is the responsibility of the participant; 2) flyers would be posted at each event with the same disclaimer; 3) an announcement of the disclaimer would also be made at the beginning of each event. (Adopted June 20, 2009).

Contributions and Donations to Other Organizations

Contributions to Zion UCC.  $100 is authorized for payment to Zion UCC Church to support its Earth Day event. This payment replaces the former charitable contribution. (Adopted June 18, 2012).

Charitable contributions. The BLA is authorized to make automatic, annual contributions to the Sand Lake Ambulance, Taborton Fire Department, and the Zion UCC Church of Taborton in the amount of $100/yr. unless the Sand Lake Ambulance receives the majority of its support through billing for its services or taxes, which would result in excluding donations being made to that organization, and, with the recognition that this decision can be modified in the future. (Adopted June 20, 2009).

Historical contributions. The BLA will purchase one color and possibly two black and white versions of the Bowman Pond Memory Book: the color for BLA records; a black and white for the Sand Lake Historical Society; and a black and white for the Sand Lake Library, if the Historical Society version isn’t kept at the library. (Adopted Aug. 16, 2008)